The aim of this course is to prepare students for the use of Maritime VHF for routine and emergency procedures in coastal waters. The student will have a thorough understanding of maritime VHF radios and GMDSS systems, and be able to use class D VHF DSC maritime radio for routine and distress communications in a professional and efficient way.


1. The general principles and basic features of the maritime mobile service relevant to

vessels NOT subject to a compulsory fit under the SOLAS convention:


• Types of communication of the maritime mobile service 海上移动业务的通信类型

• Types of station in the maritime mobile service海上移动业务的电台种类

• Elementary knowledge of radio frequencies and channels appropriate to the VHF

maritime mobile band, including International, US and Canada systems 关于海事甚高频无线电的频率和频道的基础知识,包括国际、美国和加拿大三种频道划分系统。

• Functionality of ship station equipment 船用电台设备的功能

2. Detailed working knowledge of radio equipment: 详细地理解,并且能动手操作应用以下无线电设备知识:

• Radiotelephone channels 语音通信频道

• Basic controls and usage 电台的基本控制和用法

• Portable two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus 移动甚高频语音对讲设备,手持海事VHF电台

Performance and setup of Maritime VHF antennas 海事甚高频天线的性能与安装方法

• Purpose and use of Digital Selective Calling (DSC) facilities 数字选择呼叫(DSC)功能的目的和用途

• Types of Call  呼叫的类型

• The Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number system 海事移动业务识别码(MMSI)系统

• Call categorisation and priority (eg. Mayday) 呼叫的分类及优先级(例如Mayday

• Call telecommand and traffic information 呼叫的口令,以及通信的消息内容

• VHF DSC facilities and usage 甚高频电台的数字选择(DSC)呼叫功能及用法

The student can demonstrate the following operations in a correct and proficient way: 学生能够正确和熟练地进行以下操作:

Set up and check the VHF DSC radio before use. 使用之前,设置安装和检查VHF DSC电台  

Use all functions and features of a typical class D maritime VHF. 掌握一台典型的D类海事甚高频电台的所有功能和设置方法

Make use of a emergency antenna to operate the VHF radio in emergencies. 在紧急情况下,使用应急或临时天线,操作甚高频电台。


3. Operational procedures of the GMDSS and detailed practical operation of GMDSS

subsystems and equipment. 全球海上遇险与安全系统(GMDSS)的工作流程,以及GMDSS各种子系统的详细实践操作方法。

• Search and rescue (SAR) procedures in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

(GMDSS) 全球海上遇险与安全系统的搜索和救援的执行流程

• Distress, urgency and safety communication procedures in the GMDSS  GMDSS系统的遇险、紧急和安全通信步骤

• Protection of distress frequencies 遇险频率的保护

Receiving Maritime Safety Information through NAVTEX and VHF radio 通过NAVTEXVHF电台接收海事安全信息

• Alerting and locating signals 报警和定位信号

• Emergency Position Indication Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) 紧急示位无线电信标(EPIRB

• Search and Rescue Radar Transponder (SART) 搜索和救援雷达应达器(SART

4. Operational Procedures and regulations for VHF DSC and radiotelephone communications: 甚高频电台的DSC通信、语音通信的操作步骤和法律规章。

Proper register of MMSI and callsign, and programming of a new VHF DSC radio. 正确地注册MMSI号码和呼号,以及编程写入VHF DSC电台中

• Ability to exchange communications relevant to the safety of life at sea 能够正确参与与海上人命安全相关的通信

• Distress communications by voice 以语音方式进行遇险通信

• Urgency communications by voice 以语音方式进行紧急通信

• Safety communications by voice 以语音方式进行安全通信

• Reception of MSI by VHF radiotelephone 通过VHF 语音接收海事安全信息

• Awareness of the existence and use of the IMO Standard Marine Navigational

Vocabulary 了解国际海事组织的标准海上航行词汇库,能正确使用

Proficient use of international phonetic alphabet 熟练应用国际字母发音表

• Regulations, Obligatory procedures and practices 法律规定和强制的操作步骤和实践做法

• Practical and theoretical knowledge of radiotelephone call procedures, including Mayday, Pan Pan, Security, Mayday Relay calls. 在实践和理论上理解语音呼叫的步骤,包括MaydayPan PanSecurityMayday Relay呼叫。

• Traffic charges 收费的公众通信服务

• Practical traffic routines 实践中的日常通信

 Practical use of DSC functions of a class D VHF radio for alerts before various types of telephony communications. 实践中使用DVHF电台的数字选择呼叫(DSC)功能,用于发起各种语音通信。

 Properly reply a DSC call , including correctly using Acknowledge. 正确地回复DSC呼叫,包括正确地使用Acklnowledge操作。   


5. Knowledge of regulations for VHF communications 知道与甚高频通信有关的法律规章

Regulations, obligatory procedures and practices 法律规定、强制作法和实践。


What's Next?

ASA 111,帆船复习(龙骨帆船)
先修课程:基础龙骨帆船(ASA101)证书 有意向提升或重新熟悉之前在水上 ASA 认证课程中所学的航海知识和技能。 学生和教练在复习前共同决定目标,教练为学生提供一份书面的个人推荐计划和日志, 学生可在复习结束后继续提升知识和能力。这种复习可以多次进行。