先修课程:基础龙骨帆船(ASA101)证书 有意向提升或重新熟悉之前在水上 ASA 认证课程中所学的航海知识和技能。 学生和教练在复习前共同决定目标,教练为学生提供一份书面的个人推荐计划和日志, 学生可在复习结束后继续提升知识和能力。这种复习可以多次进行。
Sailing Knowledge航行知识
1. Explain the chart symbols and conventions on U.S. nautical charts in accordance with the terminology of Chart #1.
2. Identify a source of official U.S. Coast Guard navigation publications.
3. List the publications required for prudent navigation in the local area including the following ASA minimum requirements:
Large scale charts of the area and Chart #1 当地的大比例海图,海图1
Federal Requirements for Recreational Boats 国家对休闲船艇的要求
USCG Navigation Rules 美国海岸警卫队航行规则
State small vessel regulations国家对小型船艇的规定
Local rules and regulations, if applicable 当地的规章制度,如有规定
Local Cruising Guides当地沿岸航行指南
Tide and current tables, (paper or electronic) 潮汐和海流表(纸质或电子版)
List of lights, buoys, and fog signals 航行灯、浮标、雾号列表
4. List the instruments required for prudent navigation in the local area including the following minimum requirements:
Steering compass and deviation table 罗经和罗经自差表
Hand bearing compass and / or pelorus 手持罗经和/或哑罗经
Binoculars 双筒望远镜
Protractor or parallel rule 量角器或平行尺
Depth sounder or leadline 测深仪或测深绳
Pencil, eraser, and notebook 铅笔、橡皮和记事本
Dividers 海图分规
Watch or clock 钟表
Log / Knotmeter 计程仪/测速表
5. Describe the purpose of “Notice to Mariners.”
6. Use the tide and current tables to find:
Times and heights of tides at reference and secondary ports. 主港和副港的潮汐时间和高度
Direction and rate of current at referenced and secondary stations. 主港和副港的海流流向和频率
7. Convert courses and bearings between true, magnetic, and compass.
8. Check compass deviation by means such as a transit bearing.
9. Plot a dead reckoning position on a chart using speed, time and course to steer.
10. Allow for the effect of current and leeway to plot the estimated position.
11. Determine a course to steer which takes into account known current and leeway.
12. Determine current given the course steered and speed and two observed positions.
13. Plot a chart position from terrestrial objects using:
Two or more bearings on different objects taken at one time. 同一时间测量两个或多个物体的方位
Bearings at different times (i.e. a running fix). 不同时段的方位(如:移动定位)
One bearing and transit range. 一个方位和一段距离
One distance (i.e. a sounding or dipping a light) and one bearing.
14. Use the above techniques to chart a course of at least 20 miles and 3 course changes.
15. Explain the terms and characteristics used for lighted navigation aids.
16. Explain the significance of shapes, colors, and lights used in the buoyage system.